19.12.4 conjunction / preposition

If a sentence is introduced by a preposition only the infinitivo or the infinitivo pessoal is possible, because in Portuguese only these two verb forms are verbal nouns and can have the syntactical function of a noun. In general the conjunction has a que and the preposition not. If the subject of the action / event described by the infinitivo (pessoal) differs from the subject of manin clause, the infinitivo pessoal is compulsory. Not because it would be grammatically incorrect, but because the meaning of the sentence would change, see 16. Equally the infinitivo pessoal is to be used, if the subject is explicetly mentionned.

It is useful to see that in regular verbs there is no differenct between the futuro do conjuntivo, that can be used in a subordinate clause, and the infinitivo pessoal, which is used after a preposition.

Furthermore the sequence of time, see 14, is to be respected. We use the compound forms of the infinitivo (pessoal) in case of anteriority and the simple forms in case of simultanity or posteriority.

Choose the correct options in the following sentences and justify your choice. You see the answer by clicking on the eye.

1 Even you don't believe it, we have power.
Somos poderosas, apesar de vocês não .

2 Although we don't believe that he works for any fundamental group.
Apesar de nós não que ele trabalhe para algum grupo fundamentalista.

3 Although you have the most simple work you find a way to do it badly.
Apesar de o trabalho mais simples, tu arranjas sempre uma maneira de faze-lo mal.

4 Although it was not only a separation, but a sacking.
Apesar de que não só uma separação, foi mais uma expulsão.

5 I love all these kids, although they don't love me.
Eu amo todas essas crianças, apesar de que elas não me .

6 Sorry for having asked you to do that.
Desculpa ter-te pedido para isto.

7 I will do anything necessary so that we can stay together.
Farei tudo que for preciso para nós juntos.

8 I won't ask them to work without being paid.
Não pedirei para eles sem salário.

9 You can't ask the people to work there.
Não podes pedir ás pessoas que lá.

10 I do that so that you learn it.
Faço-o para tu .

11 I do it so that you learn it.
Faço-o para que tu .

12 Call me if you are in Lissabon.
Quando a Lisboa telefona-me.

13 Call me as soon as you can.
Logo que , telefona-me.

14 Even though they are members, they have to pay.
Apesar de membros, têm de pagar.

15 Even if we don't want to construct our society around the car, the engine driven means of transport is an essential part in reaching an intelligent mobility.
Apesar de não certamente construir a nossa sociedade em torno do automóvel o veículo a motor continua a ser um meio vital para alcançar a mobilidade inteligente.

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