19.12.2 exercise: Se / quando

Se means if and quando means when. There is no difference between English and Portuguese concerning the meaning of these two conjunctions. However sometimes both conjunctions are possible from a grammar point of view, although the meaning is not the same.

When he comes, I will ask him.
If he comes, I will ask him.

In the first sentence he will come, however it is perhaps unclear when. In the second sentence it is not even sure that he comes. Choose in the following sentence the more plausible option.

If you have money, you can be whoever you want.
tens dinheiro, podes ser quem tu quiseres.
If only I had money, I would be in Paris now.
Estaria agora em Paris, tivesse dinheiro.
Not to see the storm in times of good wheather is vice we can find very often, said Machiavelli.
O defeito habitual do Homem é não prever a tempestade faz bom tempo", dizia Maquiavel.
A good person feels bad if he does something wrong.
Um bom homem sente-se mal faz algo errado.
If you don't do it, you still lose more.
Perderás mais não o fizeres.

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