5.2.1 Choose the right pronoun

There are several correct solutions possible. The didactical motivated translation is only one of several possibilities.

Note: We have already said, see, 4.1.1, that the preposition em fuses with the articles. We have already said as well, see, that adjectives can be sustantivated by putting an article in front of the adjective. However it is possible as well to sustantivate entire parts of sentences or ideas. In this case we have to translate with what, although this kind of construction is so far away from the english construction, that we have to change completely the structure of the sentence. In the following examples there is one sentence with such a construction, that's why we mention it, although it is nothing to worry about.

Tal relativizaçãoseencontra também no* que de melhor na dramaturgia de Shakespeare.
Such relativation itself encounter as well in the what there are of best in the theater of Shakespeare.
This kind of relativation is the best what we can find in the theater of Shakespeare.

* no = em + o. The pronoun o refers to the best in the theater of Shakespeare and que refers to o.

We have already mentioned that doble negation in Portuguese is still a negation. "Eu não sei Nada" would be literally "I don't know nothing" and that is equivalent to "I know something". If someone doesn't know nothing he actually knows something. However the real meaning is "I don't know anything".

Concerning the problematic of the different use of the personal pronouns in European and Brasilian Portuguese see chapter 5.

The English translation is just one of several options and there can be more than one grammatically correct option. Choose all the options that are grammatically correct, where pronoun and verb agree.

Ela Ele Nós Você não me conhece.
You not me know.
You don't know me.

Ele Você Tu Vocês sabe isso melhor do que nós.
He knows that better than we do.

Ela Elas Eles Você quer uma bicicleta nova.
She want a bicycle new.
She wants a new bicycle.

Ele Ela Eles Vocês Tu estão bem informados sobre os perigos.
You are well informed about the risks.
You are well informed about the risks.

O açúcar escondido no que nós Você eles comemos.
The sugar hidden in what we eat.

Eu Tu Ele Eles posso fazer coisas que tu não podes.
I can do things that you not can.
I can do things you can't do.

Ela Tu Você é uma menina como tu.
She is a girl like you.

Você Ela Ele não entende nada.
You not understand nothing.
You don't understand anything.

Você Ela Ele Eles não tem filhos.
You not have children.
You don't have children.

Nós Eles Elas Vocês fazemos as escolhas e as escolhas nos fazem.
We make the decisions and the decisions make us.
We make decisions and are formed by our decisions.

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