20.8.2 exericse: sobre / acima

sobre: spatial, if there is a contact or not is irrelevant. The only possible option it if refers to an issue, talk about something, a study about something, to think about something etc. Can't be used metaphorically. Can't be combined with other prepositions.
em cima: spatial, whether there is a contact or not is irrelevant. Can't be used with reference to an issue. Can't be used metaforically.
acima: spatial, whether there is a contact or not is irrelevant. Can't be used with reference to an issue. Can be used metaphorically. Can't be combined with other prepositions. Can be an adverb as well.
cima: with other preposition, for instance to describe mouvements, por cima

choose the right option in the following sentences.
She looked at me from top to bottom.
Ela olhou para mim de baixo a .
The water temperature is only some degrees above zero.
A água aqui está só a uns dois graus de zero.
We haven spoken a lot about foreign policy today.
Falámos muito hoje política externa.
While you were sleeping you said a lot of things about her.
Disseste umas coisas ela enquanto dormias.
I heard noise in the the upper floor.
Ouviu barulhos no andar .
You passed over my lawn with your car.
Você passou com o carro da minha relva.
They still believe they they are above the law.
Continuam a sentir-se da lei.
The above mentioned law is important for the democracy and human to guarantee the respect of human rights in the country.
A lei mencionada é muito importante para garantir a democracia e os direitos humanos no país.
Greece has signed all the above mentioned documents.
A Grécia ratificou todos os documentos referidos.
Fill it until it is full.
Enche .
Allright, I will go up.
Muito bem, vou .
He talked about the responsibility of the press.
Falou a responsabilidade da imprensa.

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