Formation of the futuro I and futuro II do conjuntivo

The futuro I do conjuntivo is formed based on the third person plural of the perfeito simples leaving out the personal ending (falaram => falar) and adding the corresponding personal ending. The first and the third person singular are identical and correspond to the stem, in other words, there is no personal ending at all. If we put aside the unpleasant fact that the pretérito simples is irregular in most verbs and must be therefore learned by heart, the futuro I is very regular. As far as the author of these lines sees it, there is no irregular verb. Even the most unruly verbs, ser, ir, poder, saber, pôr, ter are regular considering it this way.

futuro de conjuntivo pôr (to put) ir (to go)* dar (to give) começar (to start)
eles puserameles forameles derameles começaram
tu puseres fores derescomeçares
ele / ela
o senhor / a senhora
nóspusermos formos dermoscomeçarmos
eles / elas
os senhores / as senhoras




* * to be ( ser) and to go (to go) have the same form in all tenses apart from the present tense, because the construction ir + infinitivo (Vou facé-lo <=> I will do it / I am going to do it) is used instead of the future I, see 11.4., eu farei.)

Concerning the use of the futuro II do conjuntivo the same rules apply as for the futuro I do conjuntivo. It is used after conjunctions that introduce a subordinate clause that describes an action that will happen in an undefined moment in the future. The only difference is that the futuro II describes the hypothetical action as accomplished.

futuro II do conjuntivo
Vou pôr onde estava quando tiver terminado.
Go put where was when will have finished.
After having finished I will put it back to the place it was before.
Acordem-me quando tiver terminado.
Wake-up me when have finished.
Wake me up when you have finished.

The futuro II do conjuntivo is formed with the auxiliary verb ter in futuro I do conjuntivo and the past participle. The futuro I is formed as described above.

futuro II do conjuntivo eles tiveram past participle
eu tiver
feito (done)
dito (said)
equecido (forgotten)
lembrado (remembered)
alugado (rent)
consertado (repared)
vindo (arrived)
tu tiveres
ele / ela
o senhor / a senhora
nós termos
eles / elas
os senhores / as senhoras

Philosophical annotation: It may seem strange that Portuguese has a subjunctive form of the future, because this form competes with the subjunctive of the present tense. However in English we can use sometimes the present perfect for the future, "Once I have finished up the book, I will let you know" and this is still more illogical. (If logic plays any role in linguistics, something the author of these lines doesen't really believe in.) Concerning the subjunctive mood to describe an action in the future any language becomes a little bit vacillating. In Spanish for instance we use the pasado perfecto de subjuntivo in this context. One can find that Portuguese is not very coherent from a systematic point of view, but other languages are still less coherent.

In the case of uncertainty concerning the moment an action will happen in the future, we can use the present perfect in English
Vou depois quando tiver consertado o carro.
When I have repaired the car, I will come.
O tempo te dará respostas só quando tiveres esquecido as perguntas.
Only after you have forgotten the questions, time will give you the answers.
Ela virá quando tiver vindo o momento de sua chegada.
If the moment of her arrival has come, she will come.

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