10.7. Decide in the following sentences whether the relative pronoun is subject or direct object INSIDE THE RELATIVE CLAUSE

Given that in Portuguese the relative pronoun is que no matter whether it is subject or direct object in the relative clause it is normally irrelevant whether we can distinguish between the subject and direct object. However in some cases, for instance if we want to know whether the relative pronoun governs the verb or not, we must be able to distinguish. Furthermore in some cases, for instance in the case of a nonrestrictive relative clause, we can't use the same relative pronouns.

Satz subject object pronouciation
As meninas que vieram as estrelas.
The girls who saw the stars.
Espécies de árvore que você pode plantar sem receio de destruir a calçada.
Species of trees you can plant without fearing to ruin the pavement.
Eu sou os livros que leio.
The books I read made me what I am.
As cidades europeias que nunca pensou visitar, mas devia.
The European cities I never intended to visit but I should have visited.
A casa que não esqueço.
The house I will never forget.
A União Europeia ameaça com sanções países que não recebem refugiados.
The European Union threatens the countries that don't admit refugees with sanctions.
A mulher que não consegue esquecer.
The woman I can't forget.
A difícil relação entre o professor e o aluno que paga mensalidade.
The difficult relationship between the teacher and the students who pays school fees.
O governo e a sociedade têm a obrigação de fornecer cuidados especiais para as crianças que não têm família nem dinheiro.
The government and the society have to take special care of children who have neither family nor money.
As palavras que são música para os nossos ouvidos.
The words who are musique for our ears.

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